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Your Voice Makes a Difference!

Writing emails to individuals in positions of power has proven to be an effective tool in addressing concerns about education and ideological indoctrination in schools.

As seen in New Brunswick and Manitoba, parents expressed their concerns in large numbers to government officials and were able to voice their opinions without being censored. Since then, these provinces have moved in favor of maintaining healthy child-parent relationships.

Any person of voting age can send emails or write letters as individuals. Parents, grandparents, students over 18, or any concerned citizen has the right to petition their concerns.

Who to Contact

It is important to send separate emails to each recipient.

Don’t Forget

Keep it simple. Your letter doesn’t have to be long. The primary goal is to state your disapproval of the new gender identity Guidelines and the new curriculum. Feel free to add personal accounts and stories only if you wish.

Stay respectful. Try to stick to the most reasonable points. Avoid aggressive language. Cooler heads prevail.

Use solid arguments. You may disagree with gender ideology on the basis of sincere religious belief and it is useful to mention this, however, don’t forget that there is plenty of statistical evidence for our claims. See our Studies and Surveys page for more.


To the Province of PEI, The Department of Education, and whom it may concern,

I am writing to you about my concerns with the Guidelines for Respecting, Accommodating and Supporting Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation in our Schools, adopted by government in December of 2021. I respectfully ask that these policies be reviewed or revoked to ensure that children in kindergarten and elementary school not be exposed to these sexual topics, which are clearly inappropriate for their age. In addition, it is imperative that policies be enforced ensuring parents, exercising their right as the primary educators, be informed of any program or presentation being offered to their children, pertaining to these Guidelines, regardless of age. I also request that sexual health curriculum focus on known scientific facts and not on hypothetical gender theory.

Thank you,

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to request that the PEI Government remove the Gender Diversity Guidelines and cease Gender Diversity instruction in all public schools on Prince Edward Island.

These Guidelines do not respect all children and their right to be educated in an environment free from ideological influences which contradict their families ethnic, cultural, religious, and moral values. They favour one group over another and encourage division and increase opportunities for bullying. Since their implementation, students have been suspended for not participating in events pertaining to the Guidelines. There have even been instances of children in tears after being forced to view sexually explicit material, clearly inappropriate for their age, presented in their classrooms without their parents knowledge or consent. The curricula posted in 2023 are also concerning, most notably the lack of specification concerning health and sexuality outcomes and the use of unspecified “authorized partners”.

It is disconcerting to note that, instead of ensuring a safe learning space, these Guidelines seem to contribute to heightened anxiety among children and youth across schools on the island. It is imperative that our educational institutions prioritize the well-being and safety of students, and I believe the current Guidelines run counter to this objective.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and kindly request a review and reconsideration of the Gender Diversity Guidelines to ensure a more inclusive, respectful, and safe educational environment for all students.

Thank you,